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Release Process

Build a new version

The steps to build a new version are the following:

  • Create a new local feature branch, e.g. git checkout -b release/v0.2.5
  • Use the script to bump the project version. You can execute the script using {major|minor|patch} as first argument to bump the version accordingly:
    • To bump the patch version: ./ patch
    • To bump the minor version: ./ minor
    • To bump the major version: ./ major
  • assuming we are on version v0.2.4 and the desired version is v0.2.5 ./ patch has to be run.

Interact with networks


We define four roles:

  • deployer: represented as accounts[0]
  • upgrader: represented as accounts[1]
  • upgraderWallet: represented as the upgrader from wallets.json
  • ownerWallet: represented as the owner from wallets.json
  • governorWallet: represented as the governor from wallets.json


  • --testnet Deploys the Dispenser, the NeverminedToken and the contracts from contracts.json
  • --with-token Deploys the NeverminedToken and the contracts from contracts.json

Nevermined Configuration

The set of Nevermined contracts can be deployed in different networks and interact with several use cases. Each of these different scenarios could require different configurations so to facilitate that Nevermined provides an on-chain configuration mechanism allowing the governance (via DAO or similar) of a Nevermined deployment. To see all the available possibilities please see the INeverminedConfig interface.

During the deployment of Nevermined all of these parameters can be specified allowing a bespoke environment configuration. This can be done via the definition of the following environment variables:

  • NVM_MARKETPLACE_FEE. It refers to the fee charged by Nevermined for using the Service Agreements. It uses an integer number representing a 2 decimal number. It means 1450 means 14.50% fee. The value must be beteen 0 and 10000 (100%). See marketplaceFee variable.
  • NVM_RECEIVER_FEE. It refers to the address that will receive the fee charged by Nevermined per transaction. See feeReceiver variable


Can be any account. It is used for deploying the initial proxy contracts and the logic contracts.


Has to be an owner of the upgrader multi sig wallet. It is used for issuing upgrade requests against the upgrader multi sig wallet.


One instance of the multi sig wallet, defined as upgrader. This wallet will be assigned as zos admin and is required to do upgrades.


One instance of the multi sig wallet, defined as owner. This wallet will be assigned as the owner of all the contracts. It can be used to call specific functions in the contracts ie. change the configuration.

Deploy & Upgrade

  • run yarn clean to clean the work dir.
  • run yarn compile to compile the contracts.

Rinkeby (Testnet)

  • Copy the wallet file for rinkeby
    • cp wallets_rinkeby.json wallets.json
  • run export MNEMONIC=<your rinkeby mnemonic>. You will find them in the password manager.
Deploy the whole application
  • To deploy all contracts run yarn deploy:rinkeby
Deploy a single contracts
  • To deploy a single contract you need to specify the contracts to deploy as a parameter to the deploy script: ie. yarn deploy:rinkeby -- NeverminedToken Dispenserwill deploy NeverminedToken and Dispenser.
Upgrade the whole application
  • To upgrade all contracts run yarn upgrade:rinkeby
Upgrade a single contract
  • To upgrade a single contract run yarn upgrade:rinkeby -- NeverminedToken. For upgrading the NeverminedToken contract.
Persist artifacts
  • Commit all changes in artifacts/*.rinkeby.json

Mumbai (PolygonTestnet)

  • Copy the wallet file for mumbai
    • cp wallets_mumbai.json wallets.json
  • run export MNEMONIC=<your mumbai mnemonic>. You will find them in the password manager.
Deploy the whole application
  • To deploy all contracts run yarn deploy:mumbai
Deploy a single contracts
  • To deploy a single contract you need to specify the contracts to deploy as a parameter to the deploy script: ie. yarn deploy:mumbai -- NeverminedToken Dispenserwill deploy NeverminedToken and Dispenser.
Upgrade the whole application
  • To upgrade all contracts run yarn upgrade:mumbai
Upgrade a single contract
  • To upgrade a single contract run yarn upgrade:mumbai -- NeverminedToken. For upgrading the NeverminedToken contract.
Persist artifacts
  • Commit all changes in artifacts/*.mumbai.json

Kovan (Testnet)

  • Copy the wallet file for kovan > cp wallets_kovan.json wallets.json
  • run export MNEMONIC=<your kovan mnemonic>. You will find them in the password manager.
  • run export INFURA_TOKEN=<your infura token>. You will get it from infura.
Deploy the whole application
  • To deploy all the contracts run yarn deploy:kovan
Deploy a single contracts
  • To deploy a single contracts you need to specify the contracts to deploy as a parameter to the deploy script: ie. yarn deploy:kovan -- NeverminedToken Dispenser will deploy NeverminedToken and Dispenser.
Upgrade the whole application
  • To upgrade all contracts run yarn upgrade:kovan
Upgrade a single contract
  • To upgrade a single contract run yarn upgrade:kovan -- NeverminedToken. For upgrading the NeverminedToken contract.
Persist artifacts
  • Commit all changes in artifacts/*.kovan.json

Approve upgrades

All upgrades of the contracts have to be approved by the upgrader wallet configured in the wallets.json file.

  • go to
  • Load upgrader wallet
  • Select an Ethereum Account that is an owner of the multi sig wallet, but not the one who issued the upgrade request. This can be done in the following ways:
    • Connect to a local Blockchain node that holds the private key.
    • Connect to MetaMask and select the owner account from the multi sig wallet.
    • Connect a hardware wallet like ledger or trezor.
  • Select the transaction you want to confirm (the upgrade script will tell you which transactions have to be approved in which wallets)
  • Click Confirm

Upload the artifacts (abis/contracts) to Contract Repository

Once the contracts are deployed to a public network or a new contract version whose contract abis has to been uploaded, use scripts/ to upload the contracts or artifacts to repository

Your environment has to be configured and authorized to use aws cli to upload files to artifacts-nevermined-rocks bucketi.

The script has the next variables:

  • branch is the branch from where the workflow and artifacts will be used.
  • asset can be abis/contracts. Use abis if you want to upload the contract ABIs that not contain deployment information. Contracts for uploading abis with deployment information to network.
  • network refers to network name, based on filename/hardhat config. Not used if abis is selected.
  • tag refers to deployment tag. Defaults to common. Not used if abis is selected.

This workflows uses the script scripts/ that can be used using the next syntax:

./scripts/ abis
./scripts/ contracts mumbai awesome_tag


Contracts documentation

  • Update the contracts documentation
  • run yarn doc:contracts
  • Commit the changes in docs/contracts folder

Trigger CI

  • Commit the missing changes to the feature branch.
  • Tag the last commit with the new version number ie. v0.2.5
  • Push the feature branch to GitHub.
  • Make a pull request from the just-pushed branch to develop branch.
  • Wait for all the tests to pass!
  • Merge the pull request into the develop branch.

Release and packages

The release itself is done by github actions based on the tagged commit.

It will deploy the following components:

The npm, pypi and maven packages contain the contract artifacts for the contracts already deployed in different networks (such as Production, Rinkeby, Mumbai, Testing, or Spree). The docker image generated contains the contracts and script ready to be used to deploy the contracts to a network. It is used for deploying the contracts in the local network Spree in nevermined-io/tools

Once the new version is tagged and released, you can edit the Releases section of GitHub with the information and changes about the new version (in the future, these will come from the changelog):


To check or document that all transactions have been approved in the multi sig wallet you can run yarn audit:rinkeby to get a list of all the current transactions and their current status.

 Wallet: 0x24EB26D4042a2AB576E7E39b87c3f33f276AeF92

Transaction ID: 64
Destination: 0xfA16d26e9F4fffC6e40963B281a0bB08C31ed40C
Contract: EscrowAccessSecretStoreTemplate
Data is `upgradeTo` call: true
Confirmed from: 0x7A13E1aD23546c9b804aDFd13e9AcB184EfCAF58
Executed: false