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Connecting to Nevermined from the command line

The Nevermined CLI (aka NVM CLI or ncli) allows to interact with a Nevermined deployment from the command line interface allowing to do everything is supported from a traditional Nevermined web environment like a Marketplace or similar DApp.

The ncli allows to connect to a local Nevermined environment (see in the Nevermined Tools tutorial how to do that) or with a remote one.

This tutorial will show some of the basics about how to use the ncli and get quick information about what's going on in a Nevermined environment.

Getting Started

You can find more details in the ncli documentation page, but basically what we need is to install the ncli software packaged in NPM format. This means you can install it easily in your environment running one of the following commands:

npm install -g @nevermined-io/cli


yarn global add @nevermined-io/cli

After doing that you should have available in your system the ncli tool.

$ ncli --version
$ ncli --help

Creating a new account

If you don't have an account locally or you want to use a new one to use the ncli, create it is very simple, you just need to use the ncli:

ncli accounts new

Creating wallet ...
Wallet address: 0x37434d6673ff106446c9224884D54201e5Ae46A4
Wallet public key: 0x0482d6aac219607b47c0a840784909e19694cf66d35262c0ddbf41d753962388812e5394e083a0c54bce10282b6ec0fd86be7f77d296868184e6fd999c4c1fa7e6
Wallet private key: 0x0acb0253593fcbbd20e0fd82b8ff35c8a6e6c1f32c09d1bc8b41cec9031c0986
Wallet Mnemonic:
Phrase: street fever feed resource place adapt venue mobile hill try armed feature
Path: m/44'/60'/0'/0/0
Locale: en

If you want to use it in the CLI run:
export MNEMONIC="street fever feed resource place adapt venue mobile hill try armed feature"

As the command output says, you just need to export the MNEMONIC environment variable and start using the ncli.

export MNEMONIC="street fever feed resource place adapt venue mobile hill try armed feature"

You can find more configuration options in the ncli advanced configuration page.

Getting Funds

To interact with a blockchain public network you need to own some native tokens in the network where you are connected. You can find some information about how to get funds in a testnet in the Faucets tutorial.

After requesting some USDC and MATIC on Mumbai you can check you have balance using the command:

$ ncli accounts balance 
===== Account 0x827C6546CA48Ee9a33EFEe3342292E61C6eA6507 - Index: 0 =====
MATIC Balance: 250000000000000000000000000000000000
Token Balance: 180000000000000000000 USDC
Etherscan Url:
NFT Balance: 0

===== Account 0x7064f267187EbD0eDD3e14141f3AF0E5A91047B1 - Index: 1 =====


The command will return the balance for the 10 first derivation paths of your MNEMONIC. By default check the first account balance (Index 0) like in the example.

Connecting to a Nevermined network

Once you have your account and that account has some funds, we can start interacting with the public networks.

First we are gonna list the available networks:

ncli network list

And later see the status of any of them:

ncli --network testnet network status

By default Nevermined ncli uses the testnet network that is connected to Polygon Mumbai. So if you don't pass the --network parameter it will use that by default.

Registering an asset tokenized via NFTs

Nevermined allows the tokenization of assets via the association of them with a NFT contract based on a ERC-721 or ERC-1155 (see more about the differences between the different NFT token standards).

You have some information about how to do this using a ERC-721 in the CLI documentation, so for this tutorial we are gonna use NFTs based on ERC-1155 to have a different example.

Let's define first what is our use case:

Use Case

As a content creator I want to tokenize a fractal I created. I want to make available 10 editions of it, and sell them for 100 USDC each of them. Whoever owning one of these editions will be able to have exclusive access to the fractal file.

Register the asset on Nevermined

First let's upload the fractal file to IPFS:

$ ncli utils upload fractal.1920x1080.jpg 
URL: cid://bafkreiabenhumlyfecdaz546ycvh6lljsf7og7qwu6f6vzhpqq4lcgutn4
Password: /S8%sx;]}sK=I+vwZc3/wYgr1Z<<~BFH

And now let's register the asset in Nevermined. As you see in the command options we are capping the NFT to 10 editions:

$ ncli nfts1155 create --name 'Badass fractal' --author 'John Doe' --price 100 --urls cid://bafkreiabenhumlyfecdaz546ycvh6lljsf7og7qwu6f6vzhpqq4lcgutn4 --contentType image/jpeg --cap 10

Creating NFT ...
Loading token

Creating Asset ...
Registering Asset
Services Added
Generating proof
Proof generated
Conditions filled
Encrypting files
Files encrypted
Registering Mintable Asset did:nv:e4cd0187b8d8d0db4a03e31fbdda2cf088d28789c93b24bf2f58bc9763bac211
Storing DDO did:nv:e4cd0187b8d8d0db4a03e31fbdda2cf088d28789c93b24bf2f58bc9763bac211
DDO stored
Asset registred
Asset with DID created: did:nv:e4cd0187b8d8d0db4a03e31fbdda2cf088d28789c93b24bf2f58bc9763bac211
Created DID: did:nv:e4cd0187b8d8d0db4a03e31fbdda2cf088d28789c93b24bf2f58bc9763bac211 with NFT associated and endpoint:
Now please mint the token on the NFT Contract!

The DID returned is the unique identifier of the asset created in a Nevermined network. You can fetch all the metadata associated to the asset just asking for that DID:

$ ncli nfts1155 show did:nv:e4cd0187b8d8d0db4a03e31fbdda2cf088d28789c93b24bf2f58bc9763bac211

Loading information of NFTs attached to the DID: 'did:nv:e4cd0187b8d8d0db4a03e31fbdda2cf088d28789c93b24bf2f58bc9763bac211'
====== Nevermined ======
====== did:nv:e4cd0187b8d8d0db4a03e31fbdda2cf088d28789c93b24bf2f58bc9763bac211 ======
Name: Badass fractal
Author: John Doe
Files: 1

====== Internal NFT (ERC-1155) Registry ======
Total NFT Supply: 0
Mint Cap: 10
Royalties: 0
Account 0x827C6546CA48Ee9a33EFEe3342292E61C6eA6507 balance: 0
Price (NFT-1155): 180000000000000000000 USDC

Nevermined doesn't store your data

Nevermined never stores your files in any way. In most of the cases these are stored in a marketplace, your own infrastructure or a public network. Nevermined just stores internal ids and metadata to allow the transactions between parties to happen.


We didn't mint any edition during the NFT creation (that is possible using the --preMint parameter), so let's mint the 10 editions:

$ ncli nfts1155 mint did:nv:e4cd0187b8d8d0db4a03e31fbdda2cf088d28789c93b24bf2f58bc9763bac211 --amount 10

Minting NFT: 'did:nv:e4cd0187b8d8d0db4a03e31fbdda2cf088d28789c93b24bf2f58bc9763bac211'
Minting NFT with service Endpoint!
Minted 10' NFTs (ERC-1155) 'did:nv:e4cd0187b8d8d0db4a03e31fbdda2cf088d28789c93b24bf2f58bc9763bac211'!

If now you run the same show command as before you can notice in the balance the asset creator owns the 10 editions just minted:

$ ncli nfts1155 show did:nv:e4cd0187b8d8d0db4a03e31fbdda2cf088d28789c93b24bf2f58bc9763bac211

====== Internal NFT (ERC-1155) Registry ======
Total NFT Supply: 10
Mint Cap: 10
Royalties: 0
Account 0x827C6546CA48Ee9a33EFEe3342292E61C6eA6507 balance: 10
Price (NFT-1155): 180000000000000000000 USDC

Discovering the asset created

So now our tokenized asset is published, let's use a different account to purchase the asset and download the fractal file. In a different terminal let's create a new account as we did before:

$ ncli accounts new
Creating wallet ...
Wallet address: 0x748eac52C4FaAfD64C4cba68178A2F0904804314
Wallet public key: 0x049be7747e669849a0203ac28ba45bdafd6660e663b884ea75c06ef6c81976c943cf264f42708fe2bf92fe1ea3069dbf15fe919bb7d70ca47be776a060da894724
Wallet private key: 0x4781bbae558c9d6c40bf0f1aa57a996aacbc1f9d4eb43059242abee69cc73a87
Wallet Mnemonic:
Phrase: elite cry swim vintage twelve choose lamp hazard blossom reject crew captain
Path: m/44'/60'/0'/0/0
Locale: en

If you want to use it in the CLI run:
export MNEMONIC="elite cry swim vintage twelve choose lamp hazard blossom reject crew captain"

$ export MNexport MNEMONIC="elite cry swim vintage twelve choose lamp hazard blossom reject crew captain"

And we fund the account with the public faucets. Please see the Faucets tutorial.

So as a consumer I can search for fractal assets:

$ ncli assets search  "Fractal"

Search using query: Fractal
Total Results: [object Object] - Total Pages: 1
Page: 1
dataset > Name: Badass fractal - Url:

And see the details of the NFT:

$ ncli nfts1155 show did:nv:e4cd0187b8d8d0db4a03e31fbdda2cf088d28789c93b24bf2f58bc9763bac211
Cannot load optional contract CurveRoyalties
Loading information of NFTs attached to the DID: 'did:nv:e4cd0187b8d8d0db4a03e31fbdda2cf088d28789c93b24bf2f58bc9763bac211'
====== Nevermined ======
====== did:nv:e4cd0187b8d8d0db4a03e31fbdda2cf088d28789c93b24bf2f58bc9763bac211 ======
Name: Badass fractal
Author: John Doe
Files: 1

====== Internal NFT (ERC-1155) Registry ======
Total NFT Supply: 10
Mint Cap: 10
Royalties: 10
Account 0x748eac52C4FaAfD64C4cba68178A2F0904804314 balance: 0
Price (NFT-1155): 180000000000000000000 USDC

Purchase the NFT using a different user

So now using the consumer account we created we can purchase the NFT attached to the Fractal asset:

ncli nfts1155 order did:nv:e4cd0187b8d8d0db4a03e31fbdda2cf088d28789c93b24bf2f58bc9763bac211

If everything went okay, now you should be able to download the files attached to the asset and protected by the NFT as access control:

ncli nfts1155 download did:nv:e4cd0187b8d8d0db4a03e31fbdda2cf088d28789c93b24bf2f58bc9763bac211 --destination /tmp