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Getting Started

The Nevermined CLI (aka NVM CLI or ncli) allows to interact with a Nevermined deployment from the command line interface allowing to do everything is supported from a traditional Nevermined web environment like a Marketplace or similar DApp.

The ncli allows to connect to a local Nevermined environment (see in the Nevermined Tools tutorial how to do that) or with a remote one.

This section provides links to information about how to get started with the Nevermined Command Line Interface (NVM CLI or ncli).


The Nevermined CLI is an application built with Typescript and ready to be used in the user command line to interact with a remote (or local) Nevermined deployment. The ncli requires Node JS v14 or higher. You can find online instructions about How to install Node JS.

How to install the ncli?

The ncli is packaged in NPM format. This means you can installed easilly in your environment running one of the following commands:

npm install -g @nevermined-io/cli


yarn global add @nevermined-io/cli

After doing that you should have available in your system the ncli tool.

$ ncli --help

Configure your account

Using your existing account

The ncli requires a wallet to connect with the blockchain network (EVM compatible). To use an existing wallet with the ncli there are 2 options:

Use seed words

You just need to export your seed words in the command line:

export SEED_WORDS="<your 12/24 words seed phrase>"

Use a keyfile

If you have a keyfile storing your credentials you can use them providing the path to the keyfile and the keyfile password:

export KEYFILE_PATH="<path to keyfile>"
export KEYFILE_PASSWORD="<keyfile password>"

Creating a new account

If you don't have an account locally or you want to use a new one to use the ncli, create it is very simple, you just need to use the ncli:

ncli accounts new

Creating wallet ...
Wallet address: 0x37434d6673ff106446c9224884D54201e5Ae46A4
Wallet public key: 0x0482d6aac219607b47c0a840784909e19694cf66d35262c0ddbf41d753962388812e5394e083a0c54bce10282b6ec0fd86be7f77d296868184e6fd999c4c1fa7e6
Wallet private key: 0x0acb0253593fcbbd20e0fd82b8ff35c8a6e6c1f32c09d1bc8b41cec9031c0986
Wallet Seed Words:
Phrase: street fever feed resource place adapt venue mobile hill try armed feature
Path: m/44'/60'/0'/0/0
Locale: en

If you want to use it in the CLI run:
export SEED_WORDS="street fever feed resource place adapt venue mobile hill try armed feature"

As the command output says, you just need to export the SEED_WORDS environment variable and start using the ncli.

export SEED_WORDS="street fever feed resource place adapt venue mobile hill try armed feature"

Remember to store your SEED_WORDS in a secure place and don't share it with anyone.

Getting Funds

You can find some information about how to get funds in a testnet in the Faucets tutorial.