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Commands Reference

The Nevermined CLI (aka ncli) offers multiple options to facilitate the interaction with the Nevermined network.

CLI General Options

This are the optional parameters that apply to all ncli commands:

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
verbosebooleanfalseRun with verbose logging
networkstringappTestingThe network to use
accountIndexstring0The index in the derivation path related with the account to use
jsonbooleanfalseIf provided all the output will be in JSON format

Module: network

Retrieve information about Nevermined deployments

Usage: $0 network <command> parameters [options]



List all the pre-configured Nevermined networks

The ncli has a pre-configured list of Nevermined environments in different networks. This command lists basic information about all available Nevermined environments.

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
hideInternalstringtrueIf true it doesn't show internal Nevermined networks


ncli network list


List all the information about a Nevermined deployment

If the ncli is connected to a Nevermined network correctly this command will return information about that specific network. This will include data about the contracts (version, addresses, etc), Nevermined Node, Marketplace API.


ncli network status


Get all the Governance configuration about a Nevermined environment

If the ncli is connected to a Nevermined network correctly this command will return information about all the governance parameters related to a Nevermined deployment.


ncli network get-config

set-config [parameter][newValue]

Allows the governor account to modify the configuration of a running Nevermined blockchain environment. The fees need to be applied with 4 decimal numbers, where 25000 represents a 2.5% fee

If the ncli is connected to a Nevermined network correctly this command will modify the on-chain configuration of a deployment. This function can only be executed by a governor account.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
parameterstringthe name of the governance parameter to configure. Existing options: 'fees' OR 'governor'
newValuestringthe new value to set


ncli network set-config governor 0x309039F6A4e876bE0a3FCA8c1e32292358D7f07c
ncli network set-config fees 10000,0x309039F6A4e876bE0a3FCA8c1e32292358D7f07c

Module: accounts

Management of accounts and the funds associated to them

Usage: $0 accounts <command> parameters [options]



Creates a new account locally

Nevermined interacts with EVM compatible blockchain networks. To interact with them a user needs to have compatible local credentials (BIP-44). This command creates a local wallet that is Etherum compatible and can be used to interact with Nevermined contracts.

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
destinationstring./account.jsonThe json encrypted file destination. By default ./account.json
passwordstringPassword to encrypt the new wallet


ncli accounts new


Export the account to a private key file

Nevermined interacts with EVM compatible blockchain networks. To interact with them a user needs to have compatible local credentials (BIP-44). This command creates a local wallet that is Etherum compatible and can be used to interact with Nevermined contracts.

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
destinationstring./account.jsonThe json encrypted file destination. By default ./account.json
passwordstringPassword to encrypt the new wallet


ncli accounts export


List all accounts related with your credentials.

To work prorperly the ncli needs to use a wallet to interact with the blockchain network where the Nevermined Smart Contracts are deployed. This wallet is given to the ncli with the seed phrase exported into the SEED_WORDS environment variable. This command list some of the accounts derived from the seed words given by the user.

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
nftTokenAddressstringLoad NFT (ERC-721) inventory as well


ncli accounts list

balance [address]

Get the balance of a specific address

Given the public address of an account, this command gets the balance of the Native token where the ncli is connected. This is typically ETH in Ethereum networks, MATIC in Polygon networks, etc.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
addressstringThe address of the account to retrieve the balance

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
nftTokenAddressstringLoad NFT (ERC-721) inventory as well


ncli accounts balance 0xe2DD09d719Da89e5a3D0F2549c7E24566e947260

fund [addressToFund]

Funds an account with ERC20 tokens on a testnet

In the test environments all tokens lack real value. Typically in Nevermined you need to use different type of tokens. The Native token (ETH, MATIC, etc) to pay for the gas resulting to write into a blockchain network, and optionally with a ERC20 token to do some payments. This command allows to get some funds in a testnet environment allowing to a user to run different processes on a testnet. This command will not work in production environments where the tokens have actual value.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
addressToFundstringThe account address to fund


ncli accounts fund 0xe2DD09d719Da89e5a3D0F2549c7E24566e947260

Module: assets

Allows to register and manage assets in a Nevermined network

Usage: $0 assets <command> parameters [options]



Register a new asset

This command registers a new asset on the Nevermined network. This registered asset is attached to an access service, allowing paying users to access the files attached to the asset.

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
namestringThe asset name
authorstringThe author of the asset
dateCreatedstringWhen the asset was created
tagsstringComma separated list of tags
accessstringdirectThe type of access control associated to the asset. If direct the asset will allow direct payment, if susbcription it will allow access via NFT susbcription, if both it will configure both methods.
pricenumber0The asset price
urlsarrayThe asset urls. It can be a comma separated list of urls for multiple files
contentTypestringFiles content type. Example: application/csv
licensestringundefinedThe asset license
passwordstringThe password for encrypted files
publishMetadatastringmetadata-apiAllows to store the metadata in the Metadata API only (metadata-api) or in IPFS too (passing ipfs as value here).
assetTypestringdatasetThe type of the asset to register
subscriptionNFTstringThe address of the subscription NFT used to protect the access to the asset
nftTypenumber721The NFT type


ncli assets register-asset --name &quot;My cool artwork&quot; --author &quot;John Doe&quot; --price &quot;1&quot; --urls --contentType text/plain


Register a new algorithm

This command registers a new algorithm on the Nevermined network. The algorithm can be the representation of a Notebook, python script, etc. This registered asset is attached to an access service, allowing paying users to access the files attached to the asset.

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
namestringThe asset name
authorstringThe author of the asset
dateCreatedstringWhen the asset was created
tagsstringComma separated list of tags
accessstringdirectThe type of access control associated to the asset. If direct the asset will allow direct payment, if susbcription it will allow access via NFT susbcription, if both it will configure both methods.
pricenumber0The asset price
urlsarrayThe asset urls. It can be a comma separated list of urls for multiple files
contentTypestringFiles content type. Example: application/csv
licensestringundefinedThe asset license
languagestringThe programing language of the algorithm
entrypointstringThe entrypoint for running the algorithm. Example: python
containerstringThe docker container where the algorithm can be executed. Example: python:3.8-alpine
publishMetadatastringmetadata-apiAllows to store the metadata in the Metadata API only (metadata-api) or in IPFS too (passing ipfs as value here).
assetTypestringalgorithmThe type of the asset to register
subscriptionNFTstringThe address of the subscription NFT used to protect the access to the asset
nftTypenumber721The NFT type


ncli assets register-algorithm --name &quot;Test Algorithm&quot; --author &quot;John Doe&quot; --price 0 --language python --entrypoint &quot;python; --container python:3.8-alpine --urls --contentType text/plain


Register a new web service

This command registers a new web service on the Nevermined network. The service can be the representation of any regular Web Service (REST, JSON-RPC, etc).

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
namestringThe asset name
authorstringThe author of the asset
dateCreatedstringWhen the asset was created
tagsstringComma separated list of tags
accessstringsubscriptionThe type of access control associated to the asset. If direct the asset will allow direct payment, if susbcription it will allow access via NFT susbcription, if both it will configure both methods.
pricenumber0The asset price
urlsarrayThe asset urls. It can be a comma separated list of urls for multiple files
authTokenstringAuthorization token of the service
publishMetadatastringmetadata-apiAllows to store the metadata in the Metadata API only (metadata-api) or in IPFS too (passing ipfs as value here).
assetTypestringserviceThe type of the asset to register
subscriptionNFTstringThe address of the subscription NFT used to protect the access to the asset
nftTypenumber721The NFT type


ncli assets  --name &quot;My Open AI&quot; --author &quot;John Doe&quot; --subscriptionNFT 0x736DCC96D89cB2F9E2316cD826668f4E1c4861B0 --urls --authToken sk-xxxxxx

import [metadata]

Import an asset using the metadata in JSON format

An asset in the Nevermined network can be described by different level of metadata (title, description, tags, etc). This command registers a new asset importing all this metadata from a JSON file, instead of adding all the information in the command line.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
metadatastringThe path to the JSON file including the asset metadata
pricenumberThe asset price

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
encryptbooleanfalseUse encrypted service endpoint
publishMetadatastringmetadata-apiAllows to store the metadata in the Metadata API only (metadata-api) or in IPFS too (passing ipfs as value here).
accessstringdirectThe type of access control associated to the asset. If direct the asset will allow direct payment, if susbcription it will allow access via NFT susbcription, if both it will configure both methods.


ncli assets import --metadata ./my_artwork_metadata.json

search [query]

Searching for assets in a Nevermined environment

All user metadata for registering assets in Nevermined can be searched and indexed later. Typically different assets can be organized in independent Marketplaces grouped by topic or domain. This command allows to query one of the Marketplace environments searching for data using a query provided by the user.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
querystringThe search query

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
offsetnumber10The number of elements to obtain from the search query
pagenumber1The page to show
onlyMetadatabooleanfalseTrue if we only want to get metadata


ncli assets search &quot;some text&quot;

query [query]

Searching for assets in a Nevermined environment using Elasticsearch query

All user metadata for registering assets in Nevermined can be searched and indexed later. Typically different assets can be organized in independent Marketplaces grouped by topic or domain. This command allows to query one of the Marketplace environments searching for data using a query provided by the user.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
querystringThe search query

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
offsetnumber10The number of elements to obtain from the search query
pagenumber1The page to show
onlyMetadatabooleanfalseTrue if we only want to get metadata


ncli assets query {query}

download [did]

Download an asset owned by me

When a user publishes content on Nevermined this command downloads the files attached to that asset without going through the service agreements (payment).

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
didstringThe asset DID

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
fileIndexnumber-1The index of the file to retrieve in the DDO
destinationstring.Local path where the asset files will be downloaded


ncli assets download  did:nv:912e7a547bcd675ffbc5d2063ef770e15744029f048f706f6bb0281df4f4700f --destination /tmp

order [did]

Order an asset given a DID

This method makes the payment and retrieve a serviceAgreementId that can be used later or to download the files attached to the asset

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
didstringThe asset DID

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
passwordstringPassword for receiving encrypted files


ncli assets order did:nv:912e7a547bcd675ffbc5d2063ef770e15744029f048f706f6bb0281df4f4700f

get-providers [did]

Gets the list of provider addresses granted to an asset

This method gest the complete list of providers granted to an asset

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
didstringThe asset DID


ncli assets get-providers did:nv:912e7a547bcd675ffbc5d2063ef770e15744029f048f706f6bb0281df4f4700f

grant-provider [did][providerAddress]

Grant an address as provider of an asset

This method adds an address as provider of an asset

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
didstringThe asset DID
providerAddressstringThe provider address


ncli assets grant-provider did:nv:912e7a547bcd675ffbc5d2063ef770e15744029f048f706f6bb0281df4f4700f 0x736DCC96D89cB2F9E2316cD826668f4E1c4861B0

revoke-provider [did][providerAddress]

Revokes an address as provider of an asset

This method revokes an address as provider of an asset

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
didstringThe asset DID
providerAddressstringThe provider address


ncli assets revoke-provider did:nv:912e7a547bcd675ffbc5d2063ef770e15744029f048f706f6bb0281df4f4700f 0x736DCC96D89cB2F9E2316cD826668f4E1c4861B0

get [did]

Order & download or download directly a previously purchased asset

This commands is the best entry point to access the files attached to a Nevermined asset. Depending on the parameters provided, it allows to order and download the files of an asset, or if this was already purchased, provides the service agreement to download them.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
didstringThe asset DID

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
agreementIdstringAgreement Id of a previously purchased asset. If not given a new purchase will be executed
fileIndexnumber-1The index of the file to retrieve in the DDO
passwordstringPassword for receiving encrypted files
destinationstring.Local path where the asset files will be downloaded


ncli assets get did:nv:912e7a547bcd675ffbc5d2063ef770e15744029f048f706f6bb0281df4f4700f --destination /tmp
ncli assets get did:nv:912e7a547bcd675ffbc5d2063ef770e15744029f048f706f6bb0281df4f4700f --agreementId 0x412dceaa0c5506095daa6b221be93c680e8a49bfd5b63ce54522d85d2b0e1384 --destination /tmp

resolve [did]

Resolve an asset metadata using a given DID

An asset registered in Nevermined is represented by 2 parts. Metadata stored in a Marketplace and the reference in the Smart Contract. The key to resolve this metadata in a specific marketplace is a unique Decentralize Identifier (DID) for the asset. This command uses that DID to resolve the Metadata in a Marketplace associated to the asset.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
didstringThe asset DID


ncli assets resolve did:nv:912e7a547bcd675ffbc5d2063ef770e15744029f048f706f6bb0281df4f4700f

retire [did]

Retire an asset using a given DID

This command allows to retire an asset from a Marketplace. Only the owner of the asset has the permissions to execute this sucessfully.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
didstringThe asset DID


ncli assets retire did:nv:912e7a547bcd675ffbc5d2063ef770e15744029f048f706f6bb0281df4f4700f

Module: agreements

Get information about the Service Execution Agreements

Usage: $0 agreements <command> parameters [options]


list [did]

Lists all agreements for given DID

For an asset published in Nevermined, this command returns all agreements created as a result of different users interacting with the asset. Typically this will include purchases made by users.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
didstringThe DID to list the agreements for


ncli agreements list did:nv:0cb9c5c66266af85b7fd9af4e14dd95f3a6edc11e503d11e15b189a35ae7ad06

show [agreementId]

Shows details about an agreement

An agreement in Nevermined keeps track of the state of the different conditions that need to be fulfilled in order to facilitate some service (access, download, computation, etc). Given a serviceAgreementId this command returns all the on-chain information referring to the state of that agreement. The conditions associated with it and their status.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
agreementIdstringThe agreement id


ncli agreements show 0xf29bebaeacf865b4f57373aeb84635cc68c7719761607aec2802f1ad87213777

abort [agreementId]

Abort an agreement that is timed out

An agreement in Nevermined keeps track of the state of the different conditions that need to be fulfilled in order to facilitate some service (access, download, computation, etc). Given a serviceAgreementId this command aborts an expired agreement on-chain. When the agreement is aborted this command will release any payment locked as part of the agreement.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
agreementIdstringThe agreement id


ncli agreements abort 0xf29bebaeacf865b4f57373aeb84635cc68c7719761607aec2802f1ad87213777

Module: provenance

Get information about the provenance information stored into Nevermined

Usage: $0 provenance <command> parameters [options]


register [did]

Registers a provenance event associated to a DID

The Nevermined provenance record keeps track of all the individual events happening in the assets registered in the Nevermined network. This command registers a new event in that record.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
didstringThe asset DID

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
methodstringThe W3C Provenance event to report (wasGeneratedBy, used, wasDerivedFrom, wasAssociatedWith, ActedOnBehalf)
agentIdstringThe address of the agent doing the action/activity
activityIdstringThe identifier of the activity to register
relatedDidstringThe additional DID related with the activity (if any)
agentInvolvedstringThe address of the additional agent (if any) involved with the activity
signaturestring0xThe signature associated to the provenance event
attributesstringAdditional attributes to register associated with the activity


ncli provenance register did:nv:020283aed6525d815a4bc3f4b5970a7aaa03752d1e3755d7604185ecbc5f7aa5 --accountIndex 0 --method used --agentId 0xBE5449a6A97aD46c8558A3356267Ee5D2731ab5e --activityId 73492af5abe94333a648dd42e1f1675c9cad5ba4f0614f1283093448cd03d300

history [did]

Given a DID it gets all the provenance history for that asset

An asset can be associated with multiple provenance events. This relates to how that asset was used and by whom in a Nevermined network. This command fetches that information from the on-chain provenance track record.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
didstringThe DID to list the provenance events


ncli provenance history did:nv:020283aed6525d815a4bc3f4b5970a7aaa03752d1e3755d7604185ecbc5f7aa5

inspect [provenanceId]

It fetches the on-chain information regarding a Provenance Id event

A provenanceId represents a unique event referring to a DID. This command obtain all the existing information of that event.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
provenanceIdstringThe provenance identifier


ncli provenance inspect 4770be8cb69d4a06bbf5dbf442d1c9afcad1bd82130349faaa56572c0773761f

Module: nfts721

Create and manage NFTs (ERC-721) attached to Nevermined assets

Usage: $0 nfts721 <command> parameters [options]


deploy [abiPath]

It deploys a new NFT (ERC-721) contract

A Smart Contract is represented by an ABI file that includes the definition of it interfaces and the bytecode of the contract. Having that file, this command allows to deploy a new instance of a ERC-721 contract in the network where the ncli is connected. As a result the ncli will return the address where the contract was deployed allowing further interaction with it.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
abiPathstringThe path to the ABI representing the ERC-721 contract

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
namestringNVM NFTThe nft contract name
symbolstringNVMThe nft contract symbol
uristringThe nft metadata uri
capnumber0The max number of tokens created in this NFT contract. If 0 means unlimitted
operatorsarray``A list of addresses to be approved to manage the NFT contract
addOperatorbooleantrueIf true adds the Nevermined Transfer condition with permissions to mint NFTs
nftTypenumber721The NFT type


ncli nfts721 deploy test/resources/nfts/TestNFT721.json
ncli nfts721 deploy test/resources/nfts/NFT721SubscriptionUpgradeable.json --params &quot;Token Name&quot; --params &quot;SYMBOL&quot;

clone [nftAddress]

It clones an existing NFT (ERC-721) contract

Nevermined Smart Contracts are deployed in a blockchain, with this command it's possible to clone the implementation of an already deployed Smart Contract. The new contract cloned will be owned by the user doing that clonning action.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
nftAddressstringThe address of an already deployed ERC-721 NFT contract

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
namestringNVM ERC-721The nft contract name
symbolstringNVMThe nft contract symbol
uristringThe nft metadata uri
capnumber0The max number of tokens created in this NFT contract. If 0 means unlimitted
operatorsarrayA list of addresses to be approved to operate the NFT contract
nftTypenumber721The NFT type


ncli nfts721 clone 0x37BB53e3d293494DE59fBe1FF78500423dcFd43B --params &quot;Token Name&quot; --params &quot;SYMBOL&quot;

create [nftAddress]

Registers a new asset and associates a ERC-721 NFT to it

Having a previously deployed ERC-721 NFT contract, this command registers a new asset that allows the publisher to provide access to some exclusive contents when users purchase the NFT.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
nftAddressstringThe address of the NFT (ERC-721) contract

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
metadatastringThe path to the json file describing the NFT metadata
nftMetadatastringThe url (HTTP, IPFS, etc) including the NFT Metadata required by some marketplaces like OpenSea'
namestringThe asset name
authorstringThe author of the file/s
urlsarrayThe asset urls. It can be a comma separated list of urls for multiple files.
providersarrayPublic addresses of Node providers that user delegates some permissions.
servicesarrayThe list of services attached to the asset
licensestringThe asset license (Creative Commons, etc)
pricenumber0The NFT price
preMintbooleanfalseIf true the NFTs will be minted during creation
typestringdatasetThe type of asset to register (dataset, algorithm, workflow, container, subscription)
transferbooleantrueIt allows to transfer a NFT when purchased or mint
durationnumber0If the asset refers to a subscription, this parameter define the duration of that subscription in blocks
royaltiesnumber0The royalties (between 0 and 100%) to reward to the original creator in the secondary market.
publishMetadatastringmetadata-apiAllows to store the metadata in the Metadata API only (metadata-api) or in IPFS too (passing ipfs as value here).
nftTypenumber721The NFT type


ncli nfts721 create 0xDef6F10d641BC9d8039365B27f4DF2C5F5eeb041 --name &quot;My NFT&quot; --author &quot;John Doe&quot; --price 1 --urls --contentType text/plain
ncli nfts721 create 0xDef6F10d641BC9d8039365B27f4DF2C5F5eeb041 --metadata test/resources/metadata-subscription.json

show [did]

Retrieves information about a NFT

For a given DID and NFT (ERC-721) this command displays some information about it

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
didstringThe DID associated with the NFT

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
nftAddressstringThe address of the NFT (ERC-721) contract
abiPathstringThe path to the ABI representing the ERC-721 contract
is721booleantrueIs a ERC-721 NFT
show1155booleanfalseShow if there are any NFT ERC-1155 attached to the DID


ncli nfts721 show did:nv:afd733c23c41af948be7ec039c3fb2048d437e082a69ea3f336cdf452a49be7e --nftAddress 0xDef6F10d641BC9d8039365B27f4DF2C5F5eeb041

hold [did]

It checks if an address is a holder of the NFT

This command allows to check if an address is a holder of a specific NFT wrapped by a Nevermined DID

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
didstringThe DID to mint

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
addressstringThe address of the account to validate as holder
nftTypenumber721The NFT type


ncli nfts721 hold did:nv:afd733c23c41af948be7ec039c3fb2048d437e082a69ea3f336cdf452a49be7e

balance [nftAddress]

It gets the balance of a NFT

This command allows to check if an address is a holder of a specific NFT wrapped by a Nevermined DID

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
nftAddressstringThe NFT contract address

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
addressstringThe address of the account to get the balance
nftTypenumber721The NFT type


ncli nfts721 hold did:nv:afd733c23c41af948be7ec039c3fb2048d437e082a69ea3f336cdf452a49be7e

mint [did]

Mints a ERC-721 NFT

This command allows to the owner of an asset to mint a ERC-721 based NFT

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
didstringThe DID to mint

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
nftAddressstringThe address of the NFT (ERC-721) contract
uristringThe token uri for the Asset Metadata
receiverstringThe address of the receiver of the NFT, if not given will be the minter address
nftTypenumber721The NFT type


ncli nfts721 mint did:nv:afd733c23c41af948be7ec039c3fb2048d437e082a69ea3f336cdf452a49be7e 0xDef6F10d641BC9d8039365B27f4DF2C5F5eeb041 --uri

mint-subscription [nftAddress]

Mints a ERC-721 Subscription NFT

This command allows to the owner of an asset to mint a ERC-721 Subscription NFT

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
nftAddressstringThe address of the NFT (ERC-721) contract

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
tokenIdstringThe token id to mint
receiverstringThe address of the receiver of the NFT, if not given will be the minter address
abiPathstringThe subscription NFT Abi path
durationstring0The duration of the subscription in blocks
nftTypenumber721The NFT type


ncli nfts721 mint-subscription 0xaaa6F10d641BC9d8039365B27f4DF2C5F5eebbbb --receiver 0xDef6F10d641BC9d8039365B27f4DF2C5F5eeb041 --tokenId 1

burn [did][nftAddress]

It Burns a ERC-721 NFT

It allows to a ERC-721 NFT owner to burn it

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
didstringThe identifier of the asset
nftAddressstringThe address of the NFT (ERC-721) contract

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
tokenIdstringThe token Id to burn
nftTypenumber721The NFT type


ncli nfts721 burn did:nv:afd733c23c41af948be7ec039c3fb2048d437e082a69ea3f336cdf452a49be7e 0xDef6F10d641BC9d8039365B27f4DF2C5F5eeb041

order [did]

Orders an NFT (ERC-721) by paying for it to the escrow

When a user orders an asset attached to a NFT, this command purchases that NFT and transfers it to the wallet completing that purchase. This will allow later on to get access to the exclusive contents attached to the asset demonstrating the possesion of that NFT.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
didstringThe DID to order

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
nftTypenumber721The NFT type


ncli nfts721 order did:nv:afd733c23c41af948be7ec039c3fb2048d437e082a69ea3f336cdf452a49be7e

claim [agreementId]

It allows to claim a NFT (ERC-721) to the account of the buyer

This command requires a valid serviceAgreementId and the sellerAddress that demonstrates that an asset was bought. The asset is then transferred to the buyer's account.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
agreementIdstringThe identifier of the agreement created by the buyer

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
sellerAddressstringThe address of the seller (0x123..)
buyerAddressstringThe address of the account who will receive the NFT
nftTypenumber721The NFT type


ncli nfts721 claim 0x44dba17d62dd4004c109921cb976ac7c5ec6e4c07d24cc82182b0c49c6381869

access [did]

It allows to download the contents associated to a NFT if the user is a holder

Providing a DID this command will allow to download the file contents associated to a DID that has a NFT (ERC-721) as access control mechanism. If the account of the user executing this command hold the NFT, it will be able to download the files.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
didstringThe DID of the asset

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
agreementIdstringThe identifier of the agreement created by the buyer
sellerstringThe address of the seller (0x123..)
destinationstringThe destination of the files downloaded
nftTypenumber721The NFT type


ncli nfts721 access did:nv:afd733c23c41af948be7ec039c3fb2048d437e082a69ea3f336cdf452a49be7e 0xb716555c3b40bd01836826e114607d65b1ebb04e8a051977e6d902eca2df750b --destination /tmp/nevemined/ 
ncli nfts721 access did:nv:04c50282c7e297c019cea5368c3d7b9e757dfa5d6e28b3d666dd710572669586 0xf988eca804ed9af51653de290e71564dfbbf40afd0dd0a28b25fc95b18476c77  --destination /tmp/ --accountIndex 1

download [did]

As NFT holder this allows to download the files associated to a NFT

This command will allow to download the file contents associated to a DID that has a NFT (ERC-721) as access control mechanism. If the account of the user executing this command holds the NFT, it will download the files.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
didstringThe DID asset identifier that works as tokenId for the NFT

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
destinationstringThe destination of the files
nftTypenumber721The NFT type


ncli nfts721 download  did:nv:afd733c23c41af948be7ec039c3fb2048d437e082a69ea3f336cdf452a49be7e --destination /tmp/nevemined/

get-jwt [did]

It returns a JWT access token related with a subscription NFT

This command allows to get a JWT token that gives access through the proxy to certain services that only can be accessed via subscription NFT

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
didstringThe DID of the service to be accessed


ncli nfts721 get-jwt did:nv:afd733c23c41af948be7ec039c3fb2048d437e082a69ea3f336cdf452a49be7e

Module: nfts1155

Create and manage NFTs (ERC-1155) attached to Nevermined assets

Usage: $0 nfts1155 <command> parameters [options]


deploy [abiPath]

It deploys a new NFT (ERC-1155) contract

A Smart Contract is represented by an ABI file that includes the definition of it interfaces and the bytecode of the contract. Having that file, this command allows to deploy a new instance of a ERC-721 contract in the network where the ncli is connected. As a result the ncli will return the address where the contract was deployed allowing further interaction with it.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
abiPathstringThe path to the ABI representing the ERC-1155 contract

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
namestringNVM NFTThe nft contract name
symbolstringNVMThe nft contract symbol
uristringThe nft metadata uri
operatorsarrayA list of addresses to be approved to manage the NFT contract
addOperatorbooleantrueIf true adds the Nevermined Transfer condition with permissions to mint NFTs
nftTypenumber1155The NFT type


ncli nfts1155 deploy NFT1155.json
ncli nfts1155 deploy test/resources/nfts/NFT1155.json --params &quot;Token Name&quot; --params &quot;SYMBOL&quot;

clone [nftAddress]

It clones an existing NFT (ERC-1155) contract

Nevermined Smart Contracts are deployed in a blockchain, with this command it's possible to clone the implementation of an already deployed Smart Contract. The new contract cloned will be owned by the user doing that clonning action.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
nftAddressstringThe address of an already deployed ERC-1155 NFT contract

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
namestringNVM ERC-721The nft contract name
symbolstringNVMThe nft contract symbol
uristringThe nft metadata uri
operatorsarrayA list of addresses to be approved to operate the NFT contract
nftTypenumber1155The NFT type


ncli nfts1155 clone 0x37BB53e3d293494DE59fBe1FF78500423dcFd43B --params &quot;Token Name&quot; --params &quot;SYMBOL&quot;


Registers a new asset and associates a NFT (ERC-1155) to it

This command registers a new asset that allows the publisher to provide access to some exclusive contents when users purchase the price of that NFT.

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
metadatastringThe path to the json file describing the NFT metadata
nftMetadatastringThe url (HTTP, IPFS, etc) including the NFT Metadata required by some marketplaces like OpenSea'
namestringThe asset name
authorstringThe author of the file/s
urlsarrayThe asset urls. It can be a comma separated list of urls for multiple files.
providersarrayPublic addresses of Node providers that user delegates some permissions.
servicesarrayThe list of services attached to the asset
typestringdatasetThe type of asset to register (dataset, algorithm, workflow, container, subscription)
licensestringThe asset license (Creative Commons, etc)
pricenumberThe NFT price
capnumber0The NFT minting cap (0 means uncapped)
preMintbooleanfalseIf true the NFTs will be minted during creation
transferbooleantrueIt allows to transfer a NFT when purchased or mint
royaltiesnumber0The royalties (between 0 and 100%) to reward to the original creator in the secondary market
publishMetadatastringmetadata-apiAllows to store the metadata in the Metadata API only (metadata-api) or in IPFS too (passing ipfs as value here).
nftTypenumber1155The NFT type


ncli nfts1155 create 0xDef6F10d641BC9d8039365B27f4DF2C5F5eeb041 --name &quot;My NFT 1155&quot; --author &quot;John Doe&quot; --price 1 --urls --contentType text/plain --cap 10 --royalties 5 --nftMetadata cid://QmVT3wfySvZJqAvkBCyxoz3EvD3yeLqf3cvAssFDpFFXNm

show [did]

Retrieves information about a NFT

For a given DID and NFT (ERC-1155) this command displays some information about it

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
didstringThe DID associated with the NFT (tokenId)

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
nftAddressstringThe address of the NFT (ERC-721) contract
show1155booleanfalseShow if there are any NFT ERC-1155 attached to the DID


ncli nfts1155 show did:nv:afd733c23c41af948be7ec039c3fb2048d437e082a69ea3f336cdf452a49be7e

hold [did]

It checks if an address is a holder of the NFT

This command allows to check if an address is a holder of a specific NFT wrapped by a Nevermined DID

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
didstringThe DID to mint

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
addressstringThe address of the account to validate as holder
nftTypenumber1155The NFT type


ncli nfts1155 hold did:nv:afd733c23c41af948be7ec039c3fb2048d437e082a69ea3f336cdf452a49be7e

balance [nftAddress][did]

It gets the balance of a NFT

This command allows to check if an address is a holder of a specific NFT wrapped by a Nevermined DID

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
nftAddressstringThe NFT contract address
didstringThe asset DID

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
addressstringThe address of the account to get the balance
nftTypenumber1155The NFT type


ncli nfts1155 balance 0xF841Ff2C8abF1751A83923755EbD2F66bBAa5BFE did:nv:afd733c23c41af948be7ec039c3fb2048d437e082a69ea3f336cdf452a49be7e

mint [did]

Mints a ERC-1155 NFT

This command allows to the owner of an asset to mint a ERC-1155 based NFT

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
didstringThe DID to mint

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
amountnumber1The number of NFTs (ERC-1155) to mint
nftTypenumber1155The NFT type


ncli nfts1155 mint did:nv:afd733c23c41af948be7ec039c3fb2048d437e082a69ea3f336cdf452a49be7e --amount 10

burn [did]

It Burns a ERC-1155 NFT

It allows to a ERC-1155 NFT owner to burn it

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
didstringThe DID to burn

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
amountnumber1The number of NFTs (ERC-1155) to burn
nftTypenumber1155The NFT type


ncli nfts1155 burn did:nv:afd733c23c41af948be7ec039c3fb2048d437e082a69ea3f336cdf452a49be7e --amount 2

order [did]

Orders an NFT (ERC-1155) by paying for it to the escrow

When a user orders an asset attached to a NFT, this command purchases that NFT and get it transferred to the wallet completing that purchase. This will allow later on to get access to the exclusive contents attached to the asset demonstrating the possesion of that NFT.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
didstringThe DID to order

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
amountnumber1The number of NFTs (ERC-1155) to burn
nftTypenumber1155The NFT type


ncli nfts1155 order did:nv:afd733c23c41af948be7ec039c3fb2048d437e082a69ea3f336cdf452a49be7e --amount 1

claim [agreementId]

It allows to claim a NFT (ERC-1155) to the account of the buyer

This command requires a valid serviceAgreementId created by the buyerAccount that demonstrates that an asset was payed. Having that this command will allow to transfer the asset to the buyer account.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
agreementIdstringThe identifier of the agreement created by the buyer

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
sellerAddressstringThe address of the seller (0x123..)
buyerAddressstringThe address of the account who will receive the NFT
amountnumber1The number of NFTs (ERC-1155) to claim
nftTypenumber1155The NFT type


ncli nfts1155 claim 0x44dba17d62dd4004c109921cb976ac7c5ec6e4c07d24cc82182b0c49c6381869 --amount 1 --buyerAddress 0xBE5449a6A97aD46c8558A3356267Ee5D2731ab5e

access [did]

Having a serviceAgreementId, it downloads the data associated to a ERC-1155 NFT

Providing a serviceAgreementId this command will allow to download the file contents associated to a DID that has a NFT (ERC-721) as access control mechanism. If the account of the user executing this command hold the NFT, it will be able to download the files.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
didstringThe DID of the asset

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
agreementIdstringThe identifier of the agreement created by the buyer
destinationstringThe destination of the files downloaded
nftTypenumber1155The NFT type


ncli nfts1155 access did:nv:afd733c23c41af948be7ec039c3fb2048d437e082a69ea3f336cdf452a49be7e 0xb716555c3b40bd01836826e114607d65b1ebb04e8a051977e6d902eca2df750b --destination /tmp/nevemined/ --seller 0xe2DD09d719Da89e5a3D0F2549c7E24566e947260

download [did]

As NFT holder this allows to download the files associated to a NFT

This command will allow to purchase a NFT and download the file contents associated to a DID that has a NFT (ERC-721) as access control mechanism. If the account of the user executing this command hold the NFT, it will be able to download the files.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
didstringThe DID asset identifier that works as tokenId for the NFT

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
destinationstringThe destination of the files
nftTypenumber1155The NFT type


ncli nfts1155 download did:nv:afd733c23c41af948be7ec039c3fb2048d437e082a69ea3f336cdf452a49be7e --destination /tmp/nevemined/

Module: utils

Utility commands to faciliate files management, encryption, etc

Usage: $0 utils <command> parameters [options]


upload [file]

Upload file to IPFS or Filecoin

It uploads a local file to the decentralized storage network like IPFS or Filecoin. It returns a CID identifying that file into the storage network. If the --password flag is provided, it will encrypts the file before uploading it and will return the password used.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
filestringThe path to the file to upload

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
wherestringipfsThe network where upload the file (ipfs or filecoin).
encryptbooleanfalseIf given it encrypts the file with AES and return password


ncli utils upload


It publish the metadata associated to a NFT into external storage

The NFTs use some basic metadata allowing to some external Marketplaces to discover them and provide some additional information. This command allows to publish NFT metadata in the regular format supported by most popular marketplaces.

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
imagestringURL to the image of the item
namestringName/title of the item
descriptionstringDescription of the item. Markdown is supported
externalUrlstringURL to the asset in a Nevermined ecosystem
animationUrlstringA URL to a multi-media attachment for the item
youtubeUrlstringA URL to a YouTube video
royaltiesnumberRoyalties for selling the NFT through a marketplace out of Nevermined (i.e OpenSea)
royaltiesReceiverstringAddress of the user receiving the royalties


ncli utils publish-nft-metadata --image --name &quot;Saturn NFTs&quot; --description &quot;Sturn eating his son&quot; --externalUrl --animationUrl &quot;;quality=100&quot; --royalties 1 --royaltiesReceiver 0x068ed00cf0441e4829d9784fcbe7b9e26d4bd8d0

get-nft-metadata [did]

Downloads the metadata associated to NFT

The NFT Metadata is associated to the DID during the publication. This command allows to retrieve the url of that metadata and the content of it.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
didstringThe DID of the asset

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
nftAddressstringThe address of the NFT contract


ncli utils get-nft-metadata did:nv:3fc08573160370d81ee075c80b800ae90d87eb5dd458b96febd11a0dac02baf5

download-artifacts [contractsVersion]

Downloads the Nevermined Contracts artifacts

Nevermined exposes the Smart Contracts artifacts with their definition. Also Nevermined record all the different versions of these contracts deployed in different networks ready to be downloaded. Depending on the parameters provided, this command allows to download them.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
contractsVersionstringVersion of the artifacts to download. For example 2.0.0

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
networkIdstringThe networkId of the network where Nevermined contracts are deployed and we want to download the artifacts. For example 'mumbai' is 80001
tagstringpublicThe tag name of the contracts artifacts to download
destinationstringThe destination folder for the artifacts to download. For example /tmp


ncli utils download-artifacts 2.0.0 --networkId 80001 --destination /tmp
ncli utils download-artifacts 2.0.0 --networkId 8001 --tag public --destination /tmp


Removes all the previously downloaded and cached artifacts

The CLI stores a local copy of the Smart Contracts artifacts into a local folder. This command deletes this cached copy.

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
pathstringThe folder where are the artifacts to clean. For example /tmp


ncli utils clean-artifacts
ncli utils clean-artifacts --path /tmp

encode-did [did]

Encode a DID in base36 format

This command allows to encode a DID in base36 format. That format is used to shorten the DID, specially for web services.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
didstringThe DID to encode


ncli utils encode-did did:nv:3fc08573160370d81ee075c80b800ae90d87eb5dd458b96febd11a0dac02baf5

decode-did [encoded]

Decoded a DID previosly encoded in base36 format

This command allows to decode a DID that is encoded in base36 format.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
encodedstringThe encoded DID in base36 format


ncli utils decode-did nhf7kkweh295qelv1zuy8lc1fre7ojla0nuuhrg4wqp9zuo89

Module: app

Interacts with the Nevermined App -

Usage: $0 app <command> parameters [options]



Registers a new Time Plan

This command registers a new Time based plan on the Nevermined App. This plan will be used to allow users to access to some exclusive contents for a period of time.

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
namestringThe plan name
authorstringThe author of the file/s
durationnumber0The duration of the subscription. This attribute must be configured with the period attribute
periodstringforeverThe duration of the subscription (hours, days, months, years, forever). This attribute must be configured with the duration attribute
coverImagestringUrl to the cover image of the plan
pricenumberThe plan price
tokenstringThe address of the token to be used to pay for the plan. If the zero address is given native token will be used.
planTypestringtimeThe plan type: (time, credits)


ncli app create-time-plan --name &quot;One Month Premium Plan&quot; --author &quot;John Doe&quot; --duration 1 --period months --price 1 


Registers a new Credits Plan

This command registers a new Credits based plan on the Nevermined App. This plan will be used to allow users to access to some exclusive contents while the user has credits.

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
namestringThe plan name
authorstringThe author of the file/s
creditsnumber0Number of credits included as part of the plan
periodstringforeverThe duration of the subscription. This attribute must be configured with the duration attribute
coverImagestringUrl to the cover image of the plan
pricenumberThe plan price
tokenstringThe address of the token to be used to pay for the plan. If the zero address is given native token will be used.
planTypestringcreditsThe plan type: (time, credits)


ncli app create-credits-plan --name &quot;AI Premium Plan&quot; --author &quot;John Doe&quot; --credits 100 --price 1

show [did]

Retrieves information about an Asset

For a given DID this command displays information about the asset

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
didstringThe DID associated with the Asset


ncli app show did:nv:afd733c23c41af948be7ec039c3fb2048d437e082a69ea3f336cdf452a49be7e

register-agent [subscriptionDid]

Registers a new AI Agent/Service in the Nevermined App

This command allows to register a new AI Agent/Service in the Nevermined App. This will allow to offer that service to the Nevermined ecosystem.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
subscriptionDidstringThe DID of the subscription

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
namestringThe name of the agent
descriptionstringThe description of the agent
coverImagestringUrl to the cover image of the plan
openApiUrlstringOpenAPI full URL with description of the service
authTypestringnoneType of authentication required to access the service. Possible values are: none, basic, bearer
credentialsstringAuthentication credentials to access the service. If authType is basic, the format is username:password. If authType is bearer, the format is the access token
endpointarray``Endpoint where the agent is available. The format is method@url. Example: --endpoint GET@*)
dynamicCostbooleanfalseIndicates if the agent has dynamic cost
costnumber1The cost in credits of using the service
maxCostnumberThe capped cost in credits of using the service. This parameter is only used if dynamicCost is true


ncli app register-agent did:nv:afd733c23c41af948be7ec039c3fb2048d437e082a69ea3f336cdf452a49be7e --name &quot;My AI Agent&quot;

register-files [subscriptionDid]

Registers file assests in the Nevermined App

This command allows to register new file assets (datasets, models, algorithmls, etc) in the Nevermined App. This will allow the download of them the Nevermined ecosystem.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
subscriptionDidstringThe DID of the subscription

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
namestringThe name of the agent
descriptionstringThe description of the agent
coverImagestringUrl to the cover image of the plan
urlarrayThe full URL where the file is available.
costnumber1The cost in credits of using the service


ncli app register-files did:nv:afd733c23c41af948be7ec039c3fb2048d437e082a69ea3f336cdf452a49be7e --name &quot;My Model&quot; 

order [did]

Orders and pays for a subscription

When a user orders an asset attached to a NFT, this command purchases that NFT and get it transferred to the wallet completing that purchase. This will allow later on to get access to the exclusive contents attached to the asset demonstrating the possesion of that NFT.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
didstringThe DID of the plan

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
agreementIdstringThe identifier of the agreement created by the buyer
numCreditsnumberThe number of credits to order


ncli app order did:nv:afd733c23c41af948be7ec039c3fb2048d437e082a69ea3f336cdf452a49be7e 

balance [did]

It gets the balance of a user for a specific plan

This command allows to check if a user is a subscriber of a specific plan

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
didstringThe asset DID

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
addressstringThe address of the account to get the balance


ncli app balance did:nv:afd733c23c41af948be7ec039c3fb2048d437e082a69ea3f336cdf452a49be7e

get-token [did]

Gets the access token for an agent

When a user is a subscriber for a plan that includes access to an agent, this command gets the access token to use that agent.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
didstringThe DID of the agent


ncli app access-token did:nv:afd733c23c41af948be7ec039c3fb2048d437e082a69ea3f336cdf452a49be7e 

download [did]

As subscriber this command allows to download the files associated to a NFT

This command will allow to download the file contents associated to a DID that has a NFT (ERC-721) as access control mechanism. If the account of the user executing this command hold the NFT, it will be able to download the files.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
didstringThe DID asset identifier that works as tokenId for the NFT

Optional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
agreementIdstringThe identifier of the agreement created by the buyer
destinationstringThe destination of the files
nftTypenumber1155The NFT type


ncli app download did:nv:afd733c23c41af948be7ec039c3fb2048d437e082a69ea3f336cdf452a49be7e --destination /tmp/nevemined/

create-api-key [name]

It creates a new NVM API Key

Nevermined API Keys allow to interact with the protocol in a programatic way. This command allows the generation of NVM API Keys. NOTE: This method requires the user to setup the ZERO_PROJECT_ID environment variable.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
namestringThe name of the NVM API Key to create


ncli app create-api-key &quot;My Test API Key&quot;


It lists all the NVM API Keys associated to the user

This command lists allt he NVM API Keys created by the user.


ncli app list-api-keys

revoke-api-key [hash]

It revokes a existing NVM API Key

Nevermined API Keys allow to interact with the protocol in a programatic way. This command allows to revoke an existing NVM API Keys.

Positional Arguments

Name of the ArgumentTypeIs required?Default valueDescription
hashstringThe hash of the NVM API Key to revoke


ncli app revoke-api-key &quot;eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NksifQ.eyJpc&quot;