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Getting tokens from faucets in testnet environments


If you just created your account with the CLI, remember the command told us our account address: Wallet address: 0x37434d6673ff106446c9224884D54201e5Ae46A4

Native tokens

To interact with a blockchain network you need to have balance in the tokens related with the transaction you need to do. For example if you want write anything on-chain as a result of calling a Smart Contract, you need to pay for that in the specific network native token (ETH, MATIC, etc). In a testnet, it's possible to get some of them using a public faucet.

Getting testnet ETH dispenses a small amount of ETH.

  • Select Arbitrum and Sepolia from the dropdowns.
  • Connect your MetaMask to complete the wallet address field.
  • Optionally you can tweet to double the amount of test ETH you will receive. (note: the faucet might say ARB, but your MetaMask will say ETH 🤷‍♀️🤷🏼‍♂️)

Alternatively, you can use the Sepolia Faucet to get some ETH.


Getting USDC in Sepolia (or any other testnet network) is quick and simple. Just visit the Circle faucet, select Arbitrum Sepolia (or any other network) and paste your address.

You can get 10 USDC per day.