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Login with Wallet Provider

In this tutorial you will learn how you can integrate Wallet Provider from the Catalog in your dapp and implement operations like login and logout


For the tutorial you will need:

  • A extension of Metamask installed in the browser
  • node and npm need to be installed

How to install Catalog Provider

yarn add @nevermined-io/catalog-providers

Add the wallet provider

Now in our app we need to add the Wallet Provider as a parent of all the components that will use functionalities from it. The WalletProvider has a prop call client where we need to pass the instance of the Wagmi client, the good news is that we have getClient from @nevermined-io/providers which will return a client already configured. Optionally we can pass the correctNetworkId which will request to the wallet to change to the set network when the current one is not supported, and connectKitProps that includes all the customization option of ConnectKit, see options here

import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import Example from 'examples'
import { WalletProvider } from '@nevermined-io/providers'

appName: 'Login',
chains: ChainsConfig,
autoConnect: true,
theme: 'auto',
mode: 'dark',
<Login />
document.getElementById('root') as HTMLElement,

Add login component

Let's create a component that contains a login button for each provider, and other button to logout.

const Login = () => {
const { login, walletAddress, logout, getConnectors } = useWallet()

return (
<div className={b('content')}>
{!walletAddress ? (
getConnectors().map((c) => (
className={b('content', ['connector'])}
onClick={() => login(c)}
Connect to {}
) : (
<UiText type="p" variants={['detail']}>
<UiButton type="secondary" onClick={logout}>

In this component we have the login and logout functions and the walletAddress state, if walletAddress is not empty means that the wallet is connected and will show the address and logout button otherwise will show the button to connect. How you can see, we also have getConnectors which includes all the providers available to connect.

Config your network (optional)

At least that you need to set differents networks for your dapp than polygon chains config is not needed, anyway here we show you how should look the config object.

const ChainsConfig: Chain[] = [
id: 1337,
name: 'Localhost development',
network: 'spree',
nativeCurrency: {
name: 'Ethereum',
symbol: 'ETH',
decimals: 18,
rpcUrls: {
default: 'http://localhost:8545',
testnet: true,

export default ChainConfig

Lets put everything together

In order to finish we need to call this component inside of the providers, this is the complete example

import React from 'react'
import { WalletProvider, getClient, useWallet, Wagmi } from '@nevermined-io/catalog-providers'
import { UiButton, UiText, BEM } from '@nevermined-io/styles'
import styles from './styles.module.scss'

const b = BEM('providers', styles)

const ChainsConfig: Chain[] = [
id: 1337,
name: 'Localhost development',
network: 'spree',
nativeCurrency: {
name: 'Ethereum',
symbol: 'ETH',
decimals: 18,
rpcUrls: {
default: 'http://localhost:8545',
testnet: true,

const Login = () => {
const { login, walletAddress, logout, getConnectors } = useWallet()

return (
<div className={b('content')}>
{!walletAddress ? (
getConnectors().map((c) => (
className={b('content', ['connector'])}
onClick={() => login(c)}
Connect to {}
) : (
<UiText type="p" variants={['detail']}>
<UiButton type="secondary" onClick={logout}>

appName: 'Login',
chains: ChainsConfig,
autoConnect: true,
theme: 'auto',
mode: 'dark',
<Login />
document.getElementById('root') as HTMLElement,
